Monday, December 2, 2019

Premarital sex and its consequences free essay sample

Premarital sex and its consequences are two enties that are exclusively inseperable. Absolutely there is no premarital sex without its consequences. The scientific law of input and output strongly apply here, for every inputted activity done either consciously and willingly or done unconsciously and unwillingly will always produce a desired or undesired output. It is important to realize that the principle of retributive justice requires an exact correlation between the crime and the punishment, the exact injury of the crime or sin of premarital sex will be visited upon the one who caused it. And the closer the punishment fits the crime or sin, the greater the sense that justice has been served. So it is quite clear that premarital sex is package sealed with undesired Consequences. Premarital Sex is sex done by one before marriage. The Consequences of Premarital sex stand as the output whose input is premarital sex but premarital sex is the ultimate activity caused by a compound of causes. We will write a custom essay sample on Premarital sex and its consequences or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So this essay will seek to establish the causes of premarital sex, the biological mechanisms that relate to premarital sex and the resultant effects or consequences of premarital sex. First and foremost when one indulge in premarital sex he/she do so willingly or unwillingly after he/she has become the victim of the causes of premarital sex. Causes of Premarital sex. An idol mind is the work shop of the devil, a lot of young people have idol minds as such there are always the target of the devil, simply because the two are in relationship and have nothing programmed, and the devil will give them premarital sex as an alternative program. Normally the devil attracts people to himself but an idol mind instead attracts the devil. Peer pressure is one factor that has controlled a lot of mind sets. In this world the minds of the people are in the hands of the media. Media in the form of newspapers, magazine, internet and social networks of friends. A strong impression that insinuates that every one is doing sex in a fashionable way has been impressed through these mediums of information. And a lot have fallen to these pressures. And indulged in sex before marriage. Music and dancing has a strong influence that is irresistible. if ones selection of music is dirty and sex romantic music and listens and watches it frequently he/she will configure his/her mind set to adapt to the ideology of sex unconsciously. In study a carried by Non Governmental Organization meant to establish the causes of HIV and Aids in Zimbabwe they discover that after every music bash or music Galas hundreds of condoms will be picked in the stadiums the following morning after the events. So they is close link between music, dance and sex. Infact dancing is defined as a vertical expression for a horizontal desire which is an upper preparation for lower invasion toward the acceleration of the next generation. in brief the vector movement of the waist when one is dancing vertically is the same vector movement of the waist when one is in a sexual encounter, so seductive dancing is just a vertical expression of the desired sex in the mindset. So if one watches musical video that have seductive dancing one will eventually configure his/her mind into sex and eventually indulge in premarital sex. Movies that are being ushered into market these days have what is known as soft pornography. In soft pornography they just create an impression of people doing sex, initially the camera will be fixed on the two sited on the bed and then it will be moved to the floor and then you will see a heap of clothes shoes on the floor. But every person was created with a mind that has imaginative capacity to imagine what is happening beyond the camera. All this built up will translate to thoughtful sex for a long time which will eventually result in actual act of premarital sex. High consumption of animal flesh impress animalism within us, this will excite lower base passions and animal propensities will begin to govern us replace the normal sound reasoning of a person and he will fell to control himself from the urge to indulge in premarital sex. There are also other foods that have sex stimulants such as cheese. High consumption of cheese does stimulate ones sexual hormones Every input within our system always produces an output. The music we listen to, the videos we watch, the material we read, the food we eat e. t. c has an influence either towards stimulating us to indulge in sex or against. Sometimes girls indulge in premarital sex because they take advantage of the so called safe days; these are days in their menstrual circle which they believe they will be safe from pregnancy. But sudden change of diet or consumption of high protein can change the menstrual circle. At Gwebi College all female students changed their circle after the college suddenly changed the diet. So this myth about safe days have created comfort in the minds of a lot girls there by finding the green light to continue to practice premarital sex Masturbation is one of the causes of premarital sex as well as one of the consequences of premarital sex. Young people who indulge in masturbation can not resist the temptation of premarital sex because they are used to the smoke screen of actual sex which is masturbation. There is myth which goes around, which insinuates that virginity can only be identified in girls alone and in boys it can not . So a lot of boys take advantage of this ignorance in girls and indulge in premarital sex because there are aware that they will not give accountability to any one when they get married. But that myth is not true, it only holds water to boys who were done circumcision. Before l highlight the Consequences of premarital sex l think it is critical that l highlight how the human system or biological mechanism relate to the causes of sex. It is my profound belief that the knowledge of our biological mechanisms will make us realize the ultimate cause of premarital sex Biological Mechanism of Premarital Sex. Romance is the ultimate cause of premarital sex. Young people indulge in romance thinking that they will just end in romance but the biological mechanism opposes that. When two indulge in romance the direction of the flow of blood changes. Under normal circumstance a lot of blood flows from the heart to the brain. Blood is oxygenated in the heart and is pumped to the brain this process is known as oxygenation of the brain. It makes one reason and thinks properly. But during romance the blood changes direction and flows down wards and fills the lower region. In the case of females it fills the female’s organ and the breast. In the case of males it fills the male organ. Under normal circumstance a high percentage of blood is found in the head but once that state is reached a high percentage of blood will be located in the lower region so the battle between the brain and the organs begins. But eventually the region with high blood percentage wins the battle, a signal from the head will be sent to the lower region to stop but since the brain has been depraved of oxygenation or oxygenated blood it can no longer think properly and has been incapacitated and disabled to excute any perfect decision. At this point it becomes extremely difficult to reverse everything or to stop. After the sexual encounter everything normalize and the blood flows back to the head and one begins to think properly hence guilty will then engulf the victim, not during the act but after A lot of man understands the biological mechanisms of woman more than the woman themselves understand their own human system. Woman were created by God with what is known as G spots. G spots are the most sensitive spots on a Woman’s body. Then there is what is called a G spot, this is the most sensitive spot within the female organ, the position or location of this spot varies from one woman to another. If this spot is manipulated continuously it makes the woman reach the climax known as Orgasm. Man take advantage of the woman ‘s ignorance and trick them into believing that they will just do romance alone but in the process take advantage of the time to find the location of the G spot and manipulate it. Once that is done the woman can no longer resist infact studies prove that she is the one who will initiate the final part of the act that will lead them into indulging in premarital sex. So romance or petting will lead them into what is known as Oral sex and eventually lead them into premarital sex. All the factors above are some of the reasons that if compounded together will formulate formidable causes for premarital sex consciously or unconsciously. If one is not aware of these causes one might find himself/herself trapped in closet and eventually indulge in premarital sex. If one get the knowledge of the causes of premarital sex and make it a principle that he/ she will run away from these causes and inculcate this principle conscientiously he / she will stay pure and will never fall into premarital sex, this will be his/ her patchwork heritage but if one indulges in premarital sex the consequences are numerous. Consequences of Premarital Sex. Premarital sex is sin before God and if not confessed will lead to eternal death for the wages of sin is death. Trustworthy between the two who are married is the bases for a formidable lasting relationship but that trust worthy is destroyed the moment one discover that he / she get married to a non virgin, this will create a situation were the couple will literally divorce from the perfect love of the marriage but yet practically leaving under one room for the sake of maintaining the dignity of the society. When the man discovers that he get married to girl who has been deflowered his confidence and trust in his wife is all but lost. They are a lot of question that go through his mind such as, who took away the virginity? how many times did he had sex with my wife ? , is he the only person who had sex with my wife or they are other man other than the first one? How many are they if so? , where did this happen? , when did this happen? How did this happen? When was the last time you meet? , does the guy or guys who had sex before marriage with my wife leave in the neighborhood? All this package of unanswered questions will torture and torment the husband on day one of marriage. This will literally break the foundation for marriage, no wonder why a lot of man are not comfortable to walk with their wives to church or anywhere in public because the sense of pride is gone. Studies in human sex sociology proves that people who indulge in premarital sex , do their act under anxiety , pressure, guilty and fear of being caught as such the whole act is hurriedly done. This will make the biological system adapt to sub standard acts. This will result in man suffering from what is known as premature ejaculation. According to sexology when man reach climax in the sexual act they ejaculate sperms and when woman reach climax ejaculate fluids. Now when the man officially get married with this problem, he will prematurely ejaculate. For example ‘s sake let say he will reach climax after 5minutes and ejaculate and can no longer continue and the married wife is suppose to reach climax after 10 minutes according to her biological mechanism. So the man will reach climax well before the woman reach climax. This will create a gap of time or discrepancy of simultaneous climax or dissatisfaction for the wife. According to sexology only less than 3 percent of woman population reach climax. A sexology case study in New Zealand found a woman that reach climax after 50 years after the husband has gone to work in Britain and returned after 4years that was attributed by the man’s biological system that get the chance to recreate itself for 4 years without sex. This means the married wife will never reach climax the rest of her life and will never be satisfied sexually yet God gave them sex as a gift which was meant to create strong bond and unify them with one cord and preserve marriage perfectly. This frustration and dissatisfaction is a direct consequence of premarital sex. If bedroom issue are not properly resolved they will spill into family domestic issue. There will be breakdown in communication in the family. Some little misunderstanding are blown out of proportion through unnecessary arguments yet the real issue will be dissatisfaction in the bedroom. Parents will find it difficult to properly discipline children together because they have developed a misunderstanding that is unresolved. Sometimes youths do drugs enhanced sex and destroy their own biological system in the process. But when they get married and begin to do non drug enhanced sex they will not be satisfied. The resultant effect will be infidelity in marriage When ever one is presented with two similar or distinct things it naturally create the bases for comparison. As such premarital sex create the bases for comparison of the performance between the old sexual partner and newly married partner, this will breed in dissatisfaction and infidelity Like they say, the first cut is the deepest cut. Sexology proves that it take about 15 years for a woman to forget the person who took her virginity but otherwise the memories does not completely fade. That means for the first 15years of marriage the woman will be visualizing the first sexual partner each time she is doing sex with the now married husband. Premarital sex is followed by a strong guilty conscience this will destroy the confidence of a lot of youths, self esteem is eroded. Youths who used to be very active in the church might just go low in participation of church programs. Premarital sex might end up in unwanted pregnancy outside wed lock. One will end up a parent prematurely. This will disturb programs related to carrier building. The kid sometimes will be raised in hash conditions and fail to reach the highest ideals he / she would have reached had the parents planed properly before bringing the child to earth. Premarital sex expose one to Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) as well as to the deadly HIV / AIDS. One might infect his / her innocent partner when he/she eventually get married. Sexually transmitted disease has effects that can be passed to the baby who will be born. Some babies can born partly blind or disabled because of the parent’s sexually transmitted infections. In woman sexually transmitted infections can spread to the fallopian tubes and block the internal part of the tube. When she then get married she might not be able to conceive because the male seed or the sperms will not be able to pass through to the oval for fertilization as the passage will be blocked in the fallopian tube. In other instances the male seed may pass through the narrow blocked tube but the narrow tube will not allow the oval to pass through the passage to the uterus for development. This will cause the pregnant to be developed in the stomach in instead. This state will certainly cause complications during pregnancy and during delivery. In man STDs may affect the man’s reproductive system. The infected man may suffer from what is called low sperm count. Under normal circumstance the man discharge between 250million – 500million sperms but when one is infected by STDs might have a low discharge not good enough for fertilization. So in brief infertility will be the resultant consequence of premarital sex in this instance. Premarital sex is the main reason why married couples indulge in extra marital sex because of dissatisfaction that arise from comparisons of multiple sexual partners. The resultant consequence will be the formation of the so called small house or polygamy which is sin before God. Multiple sexual partners will always put the married couple at risk of contracting HIV and AIDS. The moment youths indulge in premarital sex genuine love between them will be eroded. Normally the girls will be used, reused, abused and be refused eventually. Breaking up of the relation will be the consequence of premarital sex. When people practice premarital sex frequently they end up indulging in masturbation as an alternative each time they find no chance to indulge in premarital sex. Each time man practice masturbation they do a discharge greater than normal, a lot of zinc is lost as compared to the rate of the replacement of the zinc through the food taken daily. Practicing masturbation has long effects to man such as insanity, premature ejaculation, loose of sight and bending problem e. t. c In woman masturbation destroy all sensitive cells in female organ until they become dead cells, all this is the resultant consequence of the initial premarital sex done. In conclusion the above essay have outlined the causes and the harsh polemic consequences of premarital sex. For the victims of premarital sex, inserting grace into this essay becomes a principle that can disrupt the established pattern of cold pious souls that are addicted victims. For the greatest power in all the universe is the power of no coercive , sacrificial love of Christ which is not a demanding, threatening, stick waving, gun toting power rather it is a soul force or power that can transform victims of premarital sex into victors and become free from the bondage of premarital sex. It is my deepest profound belief that if the youth today make Jesus Christ their emblem of eternity which confounds all notion of time and fix their ears on the cross no deterrent will deter them from their determination. They will remain smart, pure, upright and undeflowered until marriage. Keep the Faith.

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